Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme

Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad has launched Avadh Vihar Yojana, a built-up multistoried residential flats scheme, in Lucknow on March 20, 2018. The last date for submission of application forms for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY flats scheme is May 05, 2018.
Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas ParishadUttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad

Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Multistoried Flats Scheme

Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh, India), April 21, 2018

The Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad (UPAVP) has launched Avadh Vihar Yojana, a residential scheme (UPAVP Scheme Code Avadh Vihar Yojna) of 4,752 built-up multistoried flats under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U), in Lucknow on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.

Types and Categories of Residential Flats in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Scheme

In UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY-U residential flats scheme, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board (Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad) has offered total 4,752 multistoried (Ground Floor + 3 Storey) residential flats of 2 BHK consisting 34.07 square meters super area (22.77 square meters carpet area) for allotment to the various categories of applicants.

The Allotment Rate of Residential Flats in UPAVP Lucknow Awadh Vihar PMAY Scheme

In UPAVP Lucknow Awadh Vihar PMAY-U housing scheme, the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad has offered residential flats of 2 BHK at an allotment rate of Rs. 450,000 per flat.

The tentative cost of these UPAVP flats includes land premium and cost of construction. The cost of construction includes departmental charges and interest, if any, during construction period.

Subsidy under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme

In UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar flats Scheme, the applicants will be able to get financial assistance under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U), a Government of India credit linked subsidy scheme for Housing for All.

However, only those applicants under the Lower Income Group (LIG) registered with Citizen Service Centre (CSC), State Urban Development Agency (SUDA), District Urban Development Agency (DUDA), Nagar Nigam or Nagar Palika could apply in this UPAVP Lucknow Awadh Vihar PMAY housing scheme.

Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U), the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs will provide a subsidy of Rs. 150,000 and Uttar Pradesh government will provide a subsidy of Rs. 100,000 on the cost of each dwelling unit. Therefore, the effective buying cost of each flat in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar Yojana will be only Rs. 200,000.

The Location of Residential Flats in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Scheme

The residential flats being allotted under Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board’s Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY-U housing scheme is located in Avadh Vihar Yojna Sector-3 Part-1, Avadh Vihar Yojna Sector-3 Part-2, Avadh Vihar Yojna Sector-7A, and Avadh Vihar Yojna Sector-10B in Lucknow.

The Last Date to Apply for a Residential Flat in UPAVP Lucknow Awadh Vihar PMAY Scheme

The last date for submission of application forms for residential flats in UPAVP Lucknow Awadh Vihar PMAY housing scheme is on Saturday, May 05, 2018.

The Application Forms and Brochures for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Housing Scheme

The application forms and brochures containing detailed terms and conditions of UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY housing scheme are available in the authorized branches of Andhra Bank and Axis Bank Ltd in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.

The application forms and prescribed brochures of UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY-U flats scheme are also available at:

Estate Management Office (Property Office)
Awadh Vihar Yojna/Vrindavan Yojna,
UPAVP Office Complex,
Vrindavan Yojna, Sector-9,
Raebareli Road,
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)


Publicity Section
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board
104, Mahatma Gandhi Road,
Sarva Palli, The Mall Avenue,
Lucknow 226001
Uttar Pradesh, India

Cost of the application form along with the prescribed brochure for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY flats scheme is Rs. 50 (including GST).

The applicants can fill application forms for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY-U housing scheme online or offline. The applicant should carefully go through the prescribed brochure and read the instructions, before filling up the application form.

The Earnest Money (Initial Deposit) Required for UPAVP Lucknow Awadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme

For UPAVP Lucknow Awadh Vihar PMAY residential flats, an applicant has to pay an initial deposit (earnest money) of Rs. 25,000 with the application form.

The Lottery Draw of Lots for Residential Flats in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Scheme

The Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board has offered these residential flats in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY-U housing scheme for allotment to the public through a lottery draw of lots.

It is expected that the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad will declare result of the lottery draw of lots for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar residential flats scheme before November 05, 2018.

The lottery draw of lots for allotment of flats in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY-U residential scheme is to be held through a computerized draw based on random number technique in the presence of independent judges and observers in Lucknow.

The Timeline of UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Residential Flats Scheme

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme Opened On: March 20, 2018

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme Closes On: May 05, 2018

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme Draw of Lots to be Held Before: November 05, 2018

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Salient Features
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Salient Features of Avadh Vihar Lucknow Flats Scheme

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Types and Price of Flats
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Types and Price of Flats in Avadh Vihar Lucknow Scheme

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Terms and Conditions
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Terms and Conditions for Avadh Vihar Lucknow PMAY Flats

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Allotment Eligibility
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Eligibility Conditions for Avadh Vihar Lucknow PMAY Flats

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Reservation Categories
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Reservation Categories for Avadh Vihar Lucknow Scheme

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – How to Apply
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – How to Apply for a Flat in Avadh Vihar Lucknow Scheme

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Authorized Banks
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Banks Authorized for Avadh Vihar Lucknow Flats Scheme

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Lottery Draw Result
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Lottery Draw Result of Avadh Vihar Lucknow Flats Scheme

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Payment Plan and Schedule
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Payment Plans and Schedule for Avadh Vihar Lucknow Flats

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Ownership and Possession
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Ownership and Possession of Avadh Vihar Lucknow Flats

Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Residential Projects and Schemes
Residential Projects and Housing Schemes of the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad

Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Plans, Policies, Programs, and Projects
Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes of the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad

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