RHB Jodhpur Vivek Vihar Flats Scheme – Bank Finance Eligibility

All the Indian citizens, who can apply in the RHB Jodhpur Vivek Vihar residential scheme, are eligible for the bank finance. All the EMD loan documents are to be submitted in the same Bank Branch where applicant has deposited the upfront payment.

Bank Finance Eligibility Conditions for the RHB Jodhpur Vivek Vihar Residential Scheme

Jodhpur (Rajasthan, India), November 01, 2015

The Rajasthan Housing Board (RHB) had launched a residential scheme of 1,128 flats in Vivek Vihar area in Jodhpur (Rajasthan).

Booking for the RHB Jodhpur Vivek Vihar residential flats was open for the eligible applicants from April 14, 2012 to June 29, 2012.

RHB Residential Flats in Vivek Vihar, Jodhpur: Earnest Money Bank Finance

The public and private sector banks are financing the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)or Application Money for the RHB Jodhpur Vivek Vihar residential flats scheme.

All the Indian citizens, who can apply in the RHB Jodhpur Vivek Vihar residential flats scheme, are eligible for the bank finance. All the bank loan documents are to be submitted in the same Bank Branch where applicant has deposited the upfront payment. One person can apply for only one application in the RHB Jodhpur Vivek Vihar residential flats scheme. In case, it is detected by the Bank that an individual has submitted more than one application in this scheme, the entire money deposited with the Bank shall be forfeited and the application shall be rejected and any loss incurred to the Bank at any stage in this scheme due to misrepresentation or suppression of information or facts shall be recovered from the borrower.

The Bank will disburse the entire Registration Money or Earnest Money Deposit by issuing Banker’s Cheque or Demand Draft favouring Rajasthan Housing Board, Jodhpur.

Rajasthan Housing Board – Jodhpur Vivek Vihar Flats Scheme
Rajasthan Housing Board’s Jodhpur Vivek Vihar Multistoried Residential Flats Scheme

Jodhpur Development Authority – Plans and Projects
Jodhpur Development Authority – Current and Past Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

Rajasthan Housing Board – Residential Plans, Projects and Schemes
Rajasthan Housing Board – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

Rajasthan Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of Rajasthan – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

Indian Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of India – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

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