Rajasthan Housing Board – Terms and Conditions for Allotment of Residential Flats in Mansarovar in Jaipur
Jaipur (Rajasthan, India), November 01, 2015
The Rajasthan Housing Board (RHB) had launched a multistory residential flats scheme (RHB Scheme Code: Mansarovar Housing Scheme, Jaipur) in Mansarovar area in Jaipur (Rajasthan).
In RHB Jaipur Mansarovar flats scheme, the Rajasthan Housing Board has offered total 93 multistory residential flats for the MIG-B category.
Online registration for the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar MIG-B flats scheme was open for the citizens of India from December 19, 2014 to January 18, 2015.
The Rajasthan Housing Board will allot a flat in Jaipur Mansarovar multistoried MIG-B flats scheme subject to fulfillment of certain terms and conditions.
Allotment of the residential flats and all matters connected therewith shall be governed by the provision contained in the Rajasthan Housing Board Act and Rules and Regulations framed there under as amended from time to time.
The General Terms and Conditions for the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Housing Scheme Allotment
1. The Rajasthan Housing Board will make the allotment or sale of a flat to an Indian citizen under the provisions contained in the Disposal of Property Regulations 1970 and 1981 and other regulations and procedures decided upon by the Rajasthan Housing Board from time to time.
2. Allotment of the residential flats in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme shall be made to the eligible applicants through a lottery draw of lots.
3. Number of the multistoried residential flats available for allotment in RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme may increase or decrease at the time of lottery draw.
4. The Rajasthan Housing Board is accepting registration or booking for the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar flats scheme on its website through online mode only. The Rajasthan Housing Board website URL for online registration for Mansarovar flats scheme is
5. An applicant, after he or she once gets himself or herself registered for allotment of a residential flat or house in any city or town of Rajasthan, shall not be eligible for change of the city or town of the registration.
6. The Rajasthan Housing Board is fully authorized to fix the final prices for the flats built by it, whether disposed on outright or hire purchase basis, and its decision in this regard shall be final.
7. The computation of income for purpose of assessing the income category of applicants shall be the gross total annual income of the applicants including income of his or her spouse and dependents. The gross income shall constitute emoluments payable and income derived from the following sources:
(i) Pay
(ii) Special Pay
(iii) DA and Additional DA, if any
(iv) City Allowance
(v) Income from house, property, or business
(vi) Interest from Investment
(vii) Any other income, which is computable as income for the Income-Tax purposes
8. No change shall be permitted in income category of an applicant in any circumstances after the registration has been done. The plea of change in the income category because of elevation in service or increase in trade, etc. shall not be acceptable.
9. The applicants of the Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) category are required to deposit only half of the required registration deposit. Similarly, the soldiers currently serving in the Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, and Ex-Servicemen and their widows are required to deposit only one tenth (1/10) of the required registration deposit. However, they would need to pay processing fee of Rs. 1,500 (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred) for MIG-B flats in full.
10. Before taking the possession, the allottee shall have to pay such various charges, which shall be over and above the sale cost of the residential flat and have not been accounted for therein. These shall be the followings:
(a) ASC (Ancillary Service Charges): The amount so charged shall be spent on construction of social and educational facilities in the colony.
(b) Lease Money: Payable to the Rajasthan Government.
(c) Hire Purchase Deposit Amount: This amount shall be deposited with the Rajasthan Housing Board as caution money and can be forfeited in case of default by allottee in depositing various dues. It shall be refunded on satisfactory completion of hire purchase period.
(d) Other charges which the Board may fix from time to time.
11. The residential flat allotted on hire purchase basis shall remain the property of the Rajasthan Housing Board until such time the allottee clears the entire hire purchase installments on the residential flat and the allottee shall have to sign on the prescribed hire purchase tenancy agreement of the Rajasthan Housing Board in acceptance thereof. The allottee cannot sell or mortgage the flat until the period of such agreement is over.
12. The allottee shall have to pay all taxes on the property himself or herself such as house property tax, municipal tax, development tax, etc. as demanded by concerned authorities (as laid down in regulation No. 17 and 18 of the Disposal of Property regulations, 1970).
13. If an applicant gives wrong information in an affidavit or application or shall hide any facts, the allotment to him or her shall be immediately cancelled and even if the residential flat is allotted, the Rajasthan Housing Board shall be competent to cancel such allotment and take back possession of the flat.
14. The Rajasthan Housing Board can make alterations or additions in its schemes or flats and as a result thereof if any extra work is got done and charges thereof are livable, the allottee shall have to bear such expenses and pay the amount due as may be specified by the Board.
15. Only such applications shall be deemed to be valid, which are accompanied by specific earnest money in favor of the Rajasthan Housing Board, Jaipur. However, the Rajasthan Housing Board shall not accept earnest money in cash.
16. You will need to submit your application form along with Earnest Money Deposit using your Netbanking, Debit Card or Credit Card using payment gateway of Central Bank of India. In the online payment option, applicants can also opt for making payments via NEFT or RTGS in Central Bank of India A/C No. 3398557046 of Rajasthan Housing Board, Jaipur branch (IFSC Code CBIN0283291).
17. The address given in the application should be complete. Any change in the address should be notified to the Secretary, Rajasthan Housing Board by registered A. D. post.
18. On allotment of a flat, the allottee shall be informed of the dues payable for the flat through the allotment letter. A period of one month shall be allowed for payment of the amount.
19. The price of the residential flat is tentative to the extent that any enhancement in the cost of land awarded by the Competent Authority under the Land Acquisition Act shall also be payable proportionately, as determined by the Rajasthan Housing Board, within 30 days or in such specific period of its demand.
20. The residential flat shall continue to vest in the Rajasthan Housing Board until the entire consideration money together with interest and other amount, if any, due to the Rajasthan Housing Board on account of the sale, of such land or building or both is paid. The transferee shall have not right to transfer by way of sale, gift, mortgage or otherwise the plot or building or any right, title or interest therein until the full price is paid to the Rajasthan Housing Board, except with the prior permission of the Competent Authority.
21. The residential flat shall not be used for any other purpose other than that for which it has been allotted. No obnoxious trade shall be carried out in on any such land or building.
22. The cost and expenses of preparation, stamping and registering the legal documents and its copies and all other incidental expenses will be borne by the allottee, and who will also pay the stamp duty of transfer of immovable property levied or any other duty or charge that may be levied by any authority empowered in this behalf.
23. It is obligatory that the lessees or owners of the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar scheme flats will have to form a Resident Welfare Association (RWA) and shall ensure the upkeep and maintenance of the complex in a good and habitable condition all time. It will be binding for every allottee or lessee to become member of the RWA or Resident Welfare Society.
24. The Rajasthan Housing Board shall be fully competent to make or alter rules and regulations framed by it and these shall be binding on the registered applicants.
25. If due to any “Force majeure” or such circumstances beyond the Rajasthan Housing Board’s control, the Housing Board is unable to make allotment or give possession of the allotted residential flat, the entire registration money or the deposit, depending on the stage of allotment, will be refunded to the allottee along with a simple interest at the rate of 6% per annum.
26. Disputes, if any, regarding allotment related matters between the Rajasthan Housing Board and the allottee shall be subject to the territorial jurisdiction of the Civil Courts having jurisdiction over Rajasthan Housing Board or the Courts designated by the Honorable Rajasthan High Court.
27. The last date for submission of online application forms for the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar multistory residential flats scheme was on Sunday, January 18, 2015.
Rajasthan Housing Board – Jaipur Mansarovar MIG-B Flats Scheme
Rajasthan Housing Board – Mansarovar Multistoried MIG-B Flats Scheme in Jaipur
Jaipur Development Authority – Residential Plans, Projects and Schemes
Jaipur Development Authority – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes
Rajasthan Housing Board – Residential Plans, Projects and Schemes
Rajasthan Housing Board – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes
Rajasthan Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of Rajasthan – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes
Indian Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of India – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes