RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Reservation Categories

Rajasthan Housing Board (RHB) had reserved a number of flats for certain categories of persons in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential flats scheme. The reservation existed for various categories of people in RHB Jaipur Mansarovar flats scheme.

Rajasthan Housing Board – Applicable Reservation Categories for Mansarovar Flats Scheme in Jaipur

Jaipur (Rajasthan, India), November 01, 2015

The Rajasthan Housing Board (RHB) had launched a residential scheme (RHB Scheme Code: Mansarovar Housing Scheme, Jaipur) of 3 BHK multistoried MIG-B flats in Mansarovar, Jaipur.

In the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar flats scheme, the Rajasthan Housing Board had offered total 93 multistory residential flats for allotment to the various categories of applicants.

Allotment of the multistory residential flats in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme shall be governed by the provision contained in the Rajasthan Housing Board Act and Rules and Regulations framed there under and as amended from time to time.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved a number of flats for the certain categories of persons in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar multistoried residential flats scheme. The reservation exists for various categories of people in RHB Jaipur Mansarovar flats scheme.

Rajasthan Housing Board: Categories of the Applicants in Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme

The Rajasthan Housing Board will allot a percentage of flats in Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme to the various reserved categories of applicants.

There are fifteen applicable categories of applicants for the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential flats scheme. These are:

1. General Category
2. Central Government Employees (including Employees of Boards and Corporations)
3. Rajasthan Government Employees
4. Rajasthan Housing Board Employees
5. Professionals Category – Advocates, Chartered Accountants, and Private Doctors
6. Scheduled Castes
7. Scheduled Tribes
8. Members of Parliament, Members of Legislative Assembly, and Accredited Journalists
9. Freedom Fighters
10. Ex-Servicemen and Their Widows
11. Blind Persons
12. Hearing-Impaired Persons
13. Physically Disabled Persons
14. Gallantry Award Winners
15. Sports Persons – Olympic and Asian Games Medal Winners

1. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – General Category Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 29% of the total number of MIG-B (Middle Income Group ‘B’) flats are reserved for the General Category individuals in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 27 MIG-B flats for the General Category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

2. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Central Government Employees Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 18% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Central Government Employees in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 17 MIG-B flats for the Central Government Employees category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

3. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Rajasthan Government Employees Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 10% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Rajasthan Government Employees in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 9 MIG-B flats for the Rajasthan Government Employees category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

4. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Rajasthan Housing Board Employees Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 1% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Rajasthan Housing Board Employees in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 1 MIG-B flat for the Rajasthan Housing Board Employees category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

5. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Professionals Category Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 5% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Professionals (such as Advocates, Chartered Accountants, and Private Doctors) in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 5 MIG-B flats for the Professionals category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

6. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Scheduled Castes Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 16% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Scheduled Castes in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 15 MIG-B flats for the Scheduled Castes category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

7. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Scheduled Tribes Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 12% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 11 MIG-B flats for the Scheduled Tribes category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

8. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – MPs, MLAs, and Journalists Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 1.50% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Members of Parliament (MPs), Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs), and Accreditated Journalists in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 1 MIG-B flat for the MPs, MLAs, and Journalists category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

9. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Freedom Fighters Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 0.50% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Freedom Fighters in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved Nil MIG-B flats for the Freedom Fighters category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

10. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Ex-Servicemen and Their Widows Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 3% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Ex-Servicemen and Their Widows in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 3 MIG-B flats for the Ex-Servicemen and Their Widows category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

11. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Blind Persons Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 1% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Blind Persons in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 1 MIG-B flat for the Blind Persons category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

12. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Hearing-Impaired Persons Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 1% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Hearing-Impaired Persons in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 1 MIG-B flat for the Hearing-Impaired Persons category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

13. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Physically Disabled Persons Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 1% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Physically Disabled Persons in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 1 MIG-B flat for the Physically Disabled Persons category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

14. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Gallantry Award Winners Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 0.50% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Gallantry Award Winners in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved 1 MIG-B flat for the Gallantry Award Winners category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

15. RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Sports Persons Reservation

As per Rajasthan Government’s current reservation policy, 0.50% of the total number of MIG-B flats are reserved for the Sports Persons, winning medals in the Asian or Olympics games, in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar residential scheme.

Accordingly, the Rajasthan Housing Board has reserved Nil MIG-B flats for the Sports Persons category applicants in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar housing scheme.

Allotment of a residential flat to an applicant in the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar scheme will be subject to fulfillment of the applicable eligibility terms and conditions. For more information about the allotment eligibility conditions for the different categories of persons, please visit the following URLs:

RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Terms and Conditions
Rajasthan Housing Board – Terms and Conditions for Allotment of Residential Flats in Mansarovar in Jaipur

RHB Jaipur Mansarovar Flats Scheme – Allotment Eligibility
Rajasthan Housing Board – Eligibility Conditions for Allotment of a Multistory Flat in Mansarovar in Jaipur

Online registration or subscription for the RHB Jaipur Mansarovar flats scheme was open for the eligible applicants and citizens of India from December 19, 2014 to January 18, 2015.

Rajasthan Housing Board – Jaipur Mansarovar MIG-B Flats Scheme
Rajasthan Housing Board – Mansarovar Multistoried MIG-B Flats Scheme in Jaipur

Jaipur Development Authority – Residential Plans, Projects and Schemes
Jaipur Development Authority – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes

Rajasthan Housing Board – Residential Plans, Projects and Schemes
Rajasthan Housing Board – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

Rajasthan Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of Rajasthan – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

Indian Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of India – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

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