ADA Amritsar Aero City Plots Scheme – Terms and Conditions

Allotment of a plot in the Amritsar Development Authority's ADA Amritsar Aero City freehold residential plots scheme will be subject to fulfillment of certain terms and conditions. The last date to apply in this plots scheme was on July 08, 2015.

Amritsar Development Authority – The Terms and Conditions for ADA Amritsar Aero City Plots Scheme

Amritsar (Punjab, India), November 14, 2015

The Amritsar Development Authority (ADA) had launched a residential plots scheme (ADA Amritsar Scheme Code: Aero City Plots Scheme) in Aero City, Amritsar in Punjab.

In the ADA Amritsar Aero City residential plots scheme, the Amritsar Development Authority was offering total 428 residential plots of various sizes for the allotment.

Booking or registration for the ADA Amritsar Aero City residential plots scheme was open for the citizens of India from May 18, 2015 to July 08, 2015.

The Amritsar Development Authority will allot a plot in the ADA Amritsar Aero City residential scheme subject to fulfillment of certain terms and conditions.

ADA Amritsar Aero City Residential Plots Scheme – The General Terms and Conditions for Allotment

1. Allotment of a residential plot in the ADA Amritsar Aero City plots scheme shall be governed by provision of the Rules and Regulations contained and Policies framed under the Punjab Regional and Town Planning and Development Act 1995.

2. The applicant must have attained the age of majority (18 years) as on the last date of applications for this residential scheme.

3. For the applicants applying under the physically handicapped quota (Disabled Persons Category), there will be a rebate of 5% on the price of a plot. However, the Earnest Money Deposit for them shall be the same as others.

4. The price for a corner plot shall be 10% extra. The price for a park facing plot shall be 5% extra. In case, as per the Layout Plan, a plot is both corner and park facing, the price of the plot shall be 15% extra.

5. If the applicant seeks the refund of earnest money before the draw of lots or before issue of Letters of Intent (LOI), only an amount of Rs. 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand only) will be deducted from the Registration Money Deposit.

6. The ADA Amritsar residential plots are allotted on “as is where is” basis. No person shall have any claim to an alternative plot due to any reason. The Amritsar Development Authority shall not be liable to compensate for any extra expenditure that the allottee may have to incur for leveling the plot area.

7. The area of residential plots may increase or decrease as per site plan and the final price shall be charged as per actual measurement of the plot handed over to the allottee at the site.

8. Extra price of a plot for the final measurement being higher than the indicated size, hike in compensation of the acquired land and/or increase in the cost of development or else due to delays beyond the control of Amritsar Development Authority, will be charged additionally on pro-rata basis from the allottee.

9. The Amritsar Development Authority shall pay interest at the rate of 5.5% per annum for the period EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) is retained by the ADA Amritsar beyond 91 days after the last date for applications. This will also be applicable to those applicants who are in the waiting list.

10. The Amritsar Development Authority Building Bye Laws, as amended from time-to-time, shall govern zoning and permissible covered area for these residential plots.

11. The allottee shall pay all the general and local taxes, rate, fees and cesses, imposed or assessed on the said plot or building by the State Government, Government of India, or any other statutory authorities under any law.

12. The allottee can use the allotted plot only for residential purpose and not for any other purpose whatsoever.

13. The Amritsar Development Authority shall not permit change of land use.

14. The Amritsar Development Authority shall not permit to fragment or sub-divide a plot or structure constructed on it.

15. Reservation of plots for the reserved categories shall be as per the Punjab Government Policy.

16. All such residential plots reserved for the persons with disabilities, if remain un-allotted for the want of sufficient number of application or otherwise, then such un-allotted plots shall be re-advertised under the same scheme or Urban Estate for a second time, calling applications from such eligible disabled persons in accordance with this policy. In case, any number of plots, which were re-advertised still remains un-allotted for the want of applications or otherwise, then the said plots shall be transferred to the general category.

17. The applicant seeking allotment of residential plot against reservation will not be entitled to apply in the general category.

18. All plots declared surplus in any of the reserved categories or where sufficient applications are not received against the reserved category, (except persons with disabilities category and sportspersons category) shall stand transferred to the general category at the time of allotment.

19. The beneficiary will not be entitled for allotment of plot under the scheme once he has already availed the benefit for allotment under the reserved category in other scheme or station from any government agency.

20. An applicant under reserved category must be a domicile and resident of Punjab, except Non Resident Indians category, for which separate eligibility criteria has been fixed. The applicant will have to submit a Domicile Certificate or Residence Certificate issued by the concerned Tehsildar or Executive Magistrate of Punjab Government or any other officer authorized by the Government of Punjab.

21. The eligibility for ADA Amritsar Aero City residential plots scheme shall be determined as on the date of closing of the scheme.

22. Applicants can make separate application for each plot along with prescribed earnest money. However, Amritsar Development Authority shall allot only one plot to one individual.

23. No documents are to be submitted with the application form. However, self-certification in the application form is necessary.

24. If the information or documents supplied along with the application form or thereafter is found false or fabricated, such allotment shall be cancelled and the entire earnest money shall be forfeited along with institution of criminal proceedings against the applicant.

25. Amritsar Development Authority will summarily reject the incomplete or unsigned applications without conveying reasons.

26. The applicant must intimate any change in address immediately to the Estate Officer, ADA, Amritsar by a registered post.

27. In case of surrender or refusal by the allottee at any stage after the draw or allotment of plot, the Amritsar Development Authority will take action as per provisions of the Punjab Regional and Town Planning and Development Act 1995, instructions and policies issued hereunder.

28. Only one application can be given by one family i.e. one or the other spouse or dependent children for one category (size) of plot. However, one applicant can apply for different category of plots (size wise) on separate application forms. In that case, earnest money will be charged with each application form but the applicant would be entitled to keep only one plot. In case the applicant is successful in more than one category, then in that case he or she will have to surrender the other plot(s) after giving option for retaining one plot with him or her within 30 days from the date of publication of the result of draw. If such successful applicant fails to inform about his or her surrender option(s) to the Amritsar Development Authority, then the Estate Officer, ADA, Amritsar will have the right to cancel any of the extra plot(s) and the entire earnest money shall be forfeited.

29. If the information furnished by the applicant in the application form or furnished later on at any stage, is found to be incorrect or false, the Amritsar Development Authority shall have the right to cancel the application and allotment. The Authority shall be free to forfeit the entire amount or a part thereof, in addition to imposing any penalty or to take a legal action against the applicant.

30. The applicant undertakes to pay increased cost of plot, if any, owing to increase in the development cost or enhanced compensation or on any other account.

31. The allotment of plots in ADA Amritsar Aero City plots scheme shall be made through a lottery draw of lots in case the number of applications is more than the plots available.

32. While conducting the lottery draw of lots, all the applications received for ADA Amritsar Aero City plots scheme shall be put in the draw of lots category wise, without a scrutiny. The successful applicants, who are found to be eligible on the basis of documents submitted by them as per the eligibility criteria, will be issued the Letter of Intent. However, if the successful applicants are found ineligible after scrutiny of their documents, their applications shall be rejected for this residential scheme.

33. The Amritsar Development Authority upload the result of the lottery draw of lots on its website on the date mentioned in the scheme brochure. No individual intimations will be sent to those successful in the draw.

34. Those successful in the draw of lots will be required to submit documents in the ADA Office, Amritsar in person or through postal means by the date mentioned in the brochure. The only proof of submission shall be the receipt issued by the Estate Office, ADA Amritsar.

35. In case terms and conditions of allotment, as detailed above are acceptable, allottee is required to send his or her acceptance by registered post along with a demand draft of 15% price of the plot within 30 days of issue of Letter of Intent (excluding date of issue).

36. In case of refusal to accept the allotment offer, made through Letter of Intent (LOI) such refusal in writing through a registered post should be received within 30 days from the date of issue of LOI and in that case, 10% amount of earnest money shall be forfeited. In the event, such refusal is received after a period of 30 days from the issue of Letter of Intent, entire earnest money deposited shall be forfeited.

37. The Amritsar Development Authority shall allot the plots to the waiting list applicants based on available plots as per seniority. The applicants, in waiting list, if not interested in the offered plot, will be refunded their earnest money after deducting 10% amount, if they submit the refusal within 30 day from the date of offer.

38. The Amritsar Development Authority shall have the full right, power and authority at all times to do through its officers and/or representatives, all acts and things which may be necessary and expedient for the purpose of enforcing compliance with all or any of the terms and conditions and restrictions imposed and to recover as first charge upon the said plot, the cost of doing all/any such act and things and cost incurred in connection thereof, or in any way relating therewith.

39. In case there is any breach of conditions(s) of allotment or regulations, or non-payment of any amount due together with the penalty, the plot or building as the case may be, shall be liable to be resumed and in that case, the Amritsar Development Authority shall forfeit the entire amount deposited, as per the provision of Section 45 (3) of the Punjab Regional and Town planning and Development Act, 1995.

40. Subject to the provisions of the Act, all the disputes and/or differences which arise in any manner touching or concerning this allotment, shall be referred to the Sole Arbitrator, Chief Administrator, Amritsar Development Authority or any person appointed or nominated by him in this behalf. The award of such Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, as amended from time to time shall govern such arbitration.

Amritsar Development Authority – Aero City Plots Scheme
Amritsar Development Authority’s Freehold Residential Plots Scheme in Aero City, Amritsar in Punjab

Amritsar Development Authority – Plans and Projects
Amritsar Development Authority – Current and Past Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority – Plans and Projects
Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority – Current and Past Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes

Punjab Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of Punjab – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

Indian Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of India – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

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