Categories: Pomegranate Guide

Growing Pomegranate Trees – Commercial Prospective

The demand for the pomegranate fruits is perhaps mostly for the decorations in the fruit bowls in comparison to the consumption. The main regions that grow pomegranate commercially are India and other nearby countries and South Europe.


Pomegranate Trees – Profit Potential

New York (USA), February 15, 2018

The main regions that grow pomegranate commercially are India and other nearby countries and South Europe.

In California, the commercial growth of pomegranate is focused mainly in the southern San Joaquin Valley.

The demand for the pomegranate fruits is perhaps mostly for the decorations in the fruit bowls in comparison to the consumption.

Pomegranate Guide – The Amazing Fruit That Heals
The Complete Guide to Pomegranates – Discover the Power of Pomegranate!

Gary Anderson