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Absence Seizure – Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Absence Seizure - If you identify absence seizure symptoms in your child, consult a neurologist. You have to undergo a physical examination to check for any serious head injuries, brain infections, trauma, and other ailments.


Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Absence Seizure

New York (USA), June 16, 2013

Absence Seizure: Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

If you identify absence seizure symptoms in your child, consult a neurologist. Schedule an appointment and visit neurologist well prepared. Write down all symptoms. Form a list of medications and vitamin supplements you or your child are currently following.

Neurologist normally screens medical history and listens to all symptoms. You have to undergo a physical examination to check for any serious head injuries, brain infections, trauma, and other ailments. Next, doctors advise various diagnostic tests and procedures to review neurological system and its functioning.

Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

Often children undergo episodes similar to absence seizure. However, if you touch the child or call out by name, episode is interrupted and it stops. Ideally, this is not absence seizure in true medical terminology. In such cases, doctors advise blood tests to detect presence of any toxic substances or any chemical imbalances.

Tests to detect absence seizures include:

Electroencephalography (EEG)
This is effectively the only test to diagnose absence seizure. It records brain waves. Small electrodes are attached to head. Brain waves are transmitted through these electrodes to brain. Doctors advise you to look at flickering lights or hyperventilate. This induces seizure. Test records brain signal patterns occurring during seizure. Normal brain patterns are different from patterns forming during seizures. Doctors study these changes and advise accordingly. EEG monitoring over twenty-four hours detects number of seizures within the period and frequency of their occurrence. This is a painless procedure and does not affect your normal existence in any way. If EEG reveals serious symptoms, doctors advise further detailed tests to analyze problem thoroughly.

Brain Scans or MRI
This is Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This test produces detailed images of brain. Doctors study these images to rule out conditions like tumor, stroke, or other complications. This test is not painful. However, you need to remain still for sufficiently long period of time. If your child is very small, take doctors advice if sedation during MRI scans can be helpful.

If seizures are due to trauma or head injuries, diagnosis and treatment options are different.

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