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Acid Reflux – Causes and Evaluation

Normally Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) acts as a barrier between stomach and esophagus. Sometimes LES turns faulty due to varied reasons leading to acid reflux. Lower esophageal sphincter is a circular muscle band around lower esophagus.


Causes and Evaluation of Acid Reflux

New York (USA), June 19, 2013

Normally Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) acts as a barrier between stomach and esophagus. Sometimes LES turns faulty due to varied reasons leading to acid reflux.

Causes of Acid Reflux

Hiatus Hernia (Hiatal Hernia): This condition causes upper part of stomach to extend into chest through a small opening. Stomach acid flows into esophagus leading to acid reflux. Hiatus hernia occurs due to any sudden physical exertion, severe coughing, and vomiting. Pregnant women or obese persons are prone to this condition.

Eating Habits: Having large meals and lying down soon after a meal cause may acid reflux. Specific fatty or spicy foods, snacking just before going to bed, or specific foods like tomato, mint, onions, garlic, chocolate, and citrus foods cause acid reflux. Bending over the waist immediately after a meal causes acid reflux. Certain beverages like coffee, carbonated drinks, tea, and alcohol also lead to acid reflux.

Poor Digestive System: Insufficient digestive enzymes in stomach slow down digestion. Gastric acids accumulate in stomach and flow back into esophagus.

Smoking: Cigarette smoking reduces saliva production. Further, bicarbonate levels are low in saliva of smokers. Bicarbonates are essential to neutralize acids. Smoking stimulates stomach acid production. Excess production weakens esophageal sphincter and bile salts move from intestine to stomach. Overall digestion is slower and stomach pressure lasts longer. All together lead to acid reflux.

Asthma: Coughing and sneezing associated with asthma trigger numerous changes in chest. This leads to acid reflux. Sometimes medicines prescribed to control asthmatic attacks trigger acid reflux as these not only dilate airways but also dilate esophageal sphincter.

Pregnancy: Pregnant women in last trimester experience acid reflux. Growing baby exerts more pressure on stomach and pushes stomach contents back into esophagus.

Gallstones: Presence of gallstones restricts flow of bile into duodenum. Hence, gastric acid is not neutralized leading to acid reflux.

Medications: Certain medicines like ibuprofen, aspirin, blood pressure medications, and certain muscle relaxers lead to acid reflux.

Evaluation of Acid Reflux

Lower esophageal sphincter is a circular muscle band around lower esophagus. When you swallow, it relaxes to allow food to pass into stomach and closes immediately. Sometimes, it malfunctions and stomach acids flow back into esophagus. This is acid reflux.

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Written By:
Dr. Marilyn Thompson