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Acid Reflux – Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Acid Reflux - Normally, doctors diagnose acid reflux if you explain common symptoms like heartburn and recurrent chest pain and discomfort. Doctors recommend few more tests to diagnose your problem accurately.


Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Acid Reflux

New York (USA), June 19, 2013

Acid Reflux: Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

Tests and Diagnosis

Normally, doctors diagnose acid reflux if you explain common symptoms like heartburn and recurrent chest pain and discomfort. If medications do not provide relief, doctors recommend few more tests to diagnose your problem accurately. These tests include:

Barium Swallow X-Ray: You swallow a white-colored chalky liquid. This coats inner lining of your esophagus. Next, doctor takes an X-ray of upper digestive tract. Coating allows doctor to view the perfect shape and condition of esophagus, stomach, and upper intestine. It is then easy to locate constrictions, sores, or any scarring of tissue along these organs.

Esophageal Motility Test: This test detects esophageal movements and pressure within esophagus.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD): This is a type of endoscopy. Initially doctor sedates you and sprays an anesthetic at back of your throat. Thereafter doctor inserts a thin flexible tube fitted with a camera and light down your throat. This is an endoscope. This arrangement helps doctor view and examine your esophagus and stomach thoroughly for any complications like Barrett’s esophagus. Sometimes doctor uses this test to collect tissue samples for further detailed tests to detect abnormalities or infection.

Ambulatory Esophageal pH Monitoring: This test detects acid levels in esophagus. Doctor inserts a thin flexible tube called catheter into esophagus through your nose. Tube is connected to a small computer tied around your waist. You wear these for around two days. Probe transmits signals that are recorded on the computer. This device identifies duration and time of stomach acid regurgitating into your esophagus. Probe later falls off to be passed away through stools. Sometimes this test is clubbed with endoscopy and an acid monitor is placed in your esophagus. Doctors at times recommend discontinuing all medications for few days before taking this test.

Esophageal manometry: This test detects whether esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter are functioning normally or not.

Stool Occult Blood Test: Doctor advises chemical examination of your stool to diagnose bleeding in stool. Irritation in esophagus or stomach often leads to blood in stool.

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