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Acne – Causes and Evaluation

Causes for acne include follicle blockage, hormonal changes, genetic factors, medications, diet, psychological, etc. High stress levels may cause acne flare-ups. It is largely accepted that acne is caused due to excess sebum production. Dirt does not cause acne.


Causes and Evaluation of Acne

New York (USA), June 19, 2013

Causes of Acne

Causes for acne include:

Follicle Blockage: Hair follicles exist all over your skin except your soles and palms. Hair grows very deep inside your skin and comes out through a pore. Sebaceous glands underneath your skin secrete sebum, an oily substance, to lubricate skin and hair. Hair follicles are connected to these glands. Sebum moves up along hair shafts and comes out of your skin through hair follicles. Sometimes your body secretes excess sebum. This combined with dead skin cells choke hair follicles leading to acne. This blockage also creates a conducive environment for bacteria to thrive. Blockage could bulge follicle to form a whitehead. Sometimes it darkens into a blackhead. These blockages swell within your skin to form lumps. These are cysts. Sometimes these blocked hair follicles get infected or inflamed. They turn into raised red spots with a white center forming a pimple.

Hormonal: During puberty, your body secretes androgens, a male sex hormone. This enlarges sebaceous glands and sebum production increases leading to acne. In women, hormonal changes occur during menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and menopause. These cause acne.

Genetic: Acne often occurs due to genetic factors. A family history of acne is common and young boys in these families develop acne early in life.

Medications: Certain drugs like lithium, corticosteroids, and androgens cause acne.

Diet: If you eat foods that are rich in glycemics, acne develops and worsens. Foods rich in carbohydrates like bread, chips, and bagels or dairy products increase blood sugar levels leading to acne.

Psychological: High stress levels may cause acne flare-ups. Emotional stress, stress at the workplace, or stress due to any reason leads to acne.

Evaluation of Acne

There is no conclusive evidence of what causes acne. It is largely accepted that acne is caused due to excess sebum production. Dirt does not cause acne. Rather, over-scrubbing of skin or using harsh chemicals and soaps irritates skin and worsens acne. Clean skin gently to remove excess oil and dead skin cells. Genetic causes for acne have not been researched in detail.

Acne – Definition and Diagnosis
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Acne – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
Acne – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies

Written By:
Dr. Marilyn Thompson