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Acne – Complications and Risk Factors

Major complication due to acne is permanent scarring of skin. This occurs mostly on face when you pinch existing pimples or acne. Pimples form with a pus tip on top. Pus spreads causing infection. Boys are at a higher risk of developing acne as their skin is oilier.


Complications and Risk Factors for Acne

New York (USA), June 19, 2013

Acne: Complications

Major complication due to acne is permanent scarring of skin. This occurs mostly on face when you pinch existing pimples or acne. Pus spreads causing infection. Acne scarring causes formation of small pit-like holes on face. Although it is possible to treat these scars, it takes a long time to heal. Deep scars require surgical treatments. Further, it is not possible to get back soft and smooth skin even after these treatments.

Acne: Risk Factors

Gender: Boys are at a higher risk of developing acne as their skin is oilier. They also have higher levels of androgen during puberty.

Hot and Humid Weather: You sweat more during hot and humid weather. This causes and worsens acne. People who sweat a lot are at a higher risk as sweat blocks skin pores.

Cosmetics: Cosmetics like creams, lotions, and make-up that is oil-based block skin pores. Regular use of skin and hair products containing irritating substances prompts acne formation. Using greasy products on hair like oil or gel also lead to acne on face. Hair hanging over your face or constantly touching your face worsens your condition. Similarly washing your face with harsh soaps worsens existing condition.

Menstrual Cycle: Menstrual girls and women get acne few days or weeks prior to their menstrual cycle due to hormonal changes.

Athletes: Bodybuilders and sportspersons on regular medications like anabolic steroids, lithium, or barbiturates are at a high risk of developing acne.

Pimples: Pimples form with a pus tip on top. Squeezing pimples or piercing them to take out pus worsens acne. Sometimes this leads to scarring of skin. Such scars remain forever on your face.

Friction: Constant and frequent friction on skin due to tight-fitting items like helmet straps, backpacks, bra straps, tight collars, turtleneck sweaters, headbands, shoulder pads, and similar others worsen acne.

Stress: A high stress level due to emotional upheavals is a major risk factor.

Heredity: If you have a family history of acne, there is every chance of you developing it sometime or the other.

Acne – Definition and Diagnosis
Definition and Diagnosis of Acne

Acne – Causes and Evaluation
Causes and Evaluation of Acne

Acne – Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms of Acne

Acne – Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Acne

Acne – Treatments and Medications
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Acne – Clinical Trials and Research Studies
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Acne – Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies
Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies for Acne

Acne – Prevention and Coping
Prevention and Coping with Acne

Acne – Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help
Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help for Acne

Acne – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
Acne – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies

Written By:
Dr. Marilyn Thompson