Simple home remedies for acute sinusitis include applying warm compresses, drinking lots of fluids, restricting beverages, steaming your sinus cavities, avoiding temperature extremes, ect. There are no proven alternative therapies to treat acute sinusitis.
Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies for Acute Sinusitis
New York (USA), June 27, 2013
Acute Sinusitis: Home Remedies
Simple home remedies for acute sinusitis include:
1. Apply warm compresses many times in a day to cheeks, around your nose, and eyes to ease facial pain.
2. Drink lots of fluids like water or juice. This dilutes mucous secretions and promotes drainage.
3. Restrict beverages containing caffeine as they dehydrate your body.
4. Do not drink alcohol as it deteriorates swelling of sinus linings and nose.
5. Take a hot shower to ease body pain.
6. Steam your sinus cavities. Breathe in steam from a bowl of hot water keeping head and face covered. Steam should be directed on to your face. This improves sinusitis and relieves headaches. Repeat two to four times a day.
7. Take rest. This helps body fight away infection and you recover fast.
8. Sleep with more cushions and pillows under your head. The elevated position drains your sinus and reduces congestion.
9. Avoid temperature extremes and sudden changes in temperature. Also avoid bending down or forward.
10. Rinse nasal passages with specially designed neti pot, squeeze bottle, or bulb syringe. Clean irrigation device after use and dry it before next use.
Acute Sinusitis: Alternative Therapies
There are no proven alternative therapies to treat acute sinusitis. Few herbal remedies like mixture of elderflower, gentian root, sorrel and verbena improve symptoms. However, they cause side effects like allergic skin reactions and diarrhea.
Acute Sinusitis – Definition and Diagnosis
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Acute Sinusitis – Causes and Evaluation
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Acute Sinusitis – Signs and Symptoms
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Acute Sinusitis – Complications and Risk Factors
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Acute Sinusitis – Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
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Acute Sinusitis – Treatments and Medications
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Acute Sinusitis – Clinical Trials and Research Studies
Clinical Trials and Research Studies on Acute Sinusitis
Acute Sinusitis – Prevention and Coping
Prevention and Coping with Acute Sinusitis
Acute Sinusitis – Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help
Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help for Acute Sinusitis
Acute Sinusitis – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
Acute Sinusitis – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies