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Addison’s Disease – Prevention and Coping

Primary aim of preventing Addison’s disease is to stop its progress into Addisonian crisis. If any medication does not suit you or causes problems, talk with your doctor. Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and take all medications regularly.


Prevention and Coping with Addison’s Disease

New York (USA), June 27, 2013

Preventing Addison’s Disease

The primary aim of preventing Addison’s disease is to stop its progress into Addisonian crisis. Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and take all medications regularly. Handle stress effectively through mediation, yoga, and acupuncture. Stress is often the cause behind serious medical situations.

Coping with Addison’s Disease

If you have Addison’s disease, follow these steps to cope with it effectively:

1. Wear a medical alert tag as a bracelet or neck chain always. The tag should contains details of your ailment and medical condition, need to inject 100 mg of cortisol if you are found severely injured or unable to answer questions, your doctor’s name and telephone number, name and telephone number of nearest relative to be notified.

2. If any medication does not suit you or causes problems, talk and discuss with your doctor.

3. Never skip any medication dosage. Always keep extra supply of medicines at hand. Also, keep a needle, syringe and injectable form of corticosteroids ready so as to inject by yourself in case of an emergency.

4. You should remain aware of how to increase your medicine dosage during periods of stress, sudden infections, or any other medical situations like vomiting and diarrhea as these could precipitate into Addisonian crisis.

5. Visit your doctor for regular check-ups.

6. If traveling, always carry an injectable dosage of cortisol.

Addison’s Disease – Definition and Diagnosis
Definition and Diagnosis of Addison’s Disease

Addison’s Disease – Causes and Evaluation
Causes and Evaluation of Addison’s Disease

Addison’s Disease – Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms of Addison’s Disease

Addison’s Disease – Complications and Risk Factors
Complications and Risk Factors for Addison’s Disease

Addison’s Disease – Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Addison’s Disease

Addison’s Disease – Treatments and Medications
Treatments and Medications for Addison’s Disease

Addison’s Disease – Clinical Trials and Research Studies
Clinical Trials and Research Studies on Addison’s Disease

Addison’s Disease – Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies
Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies for Addison’s Disease

Addison’s Disease – Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help
Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help for Addison’s Disease

Addison’s Disease – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
Addison’s Disease – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies