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Adenomyosis – Clinical Trials and Research Studies

Adenomyosis is a non-cancerous condition. Symptoms are similar to those of uterine fibroids. Bleeding directly over muscles is the cause for unbearable pain. Adenomyosis affects fewer women than those affected by fibroids.


Clinical Trials and Research Studies on Adenomyosis

New York (USA), June 29, 2013

Adenomyosis: Clinical Trials and Research Studies

Adenomyosis affects women in their late thirties and forties. Although adenomyosis is extension of endometrial tissue and stroma into uterine myometrium, it occurs together with endometriosis only in very rare cases. Adenomyosis affects fewer women than those affected by fibroids. Symptoms are sometimes totally absent while some women report specific symptoms.

Adenomyosis is a non-cancerous condition. Symptoms are similar to those of uterine fibroids. Inner lining cells of uterus walls continue to grow directly over exterior walls. When inner walls bleed during menstrual periods, cells of these muscles over uterus walls also bleed.

Bleeding directly over muscles is the cause for unbearable pain. With accumulation of blood, surrounding muscles swell and form fibrous tissue. This formation is similar to uterine fibroid and looks as such during ultrasound.

MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging offers the most accurate diagnosis of adenomyosis among the different diagnostic techniques. Treatment options are many but none other than hysterectomy offers hundred percent relief.

Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE) treatment does not provide permanent relief. Symptoms are absent for a year or two but reoccur soon thereafter. Further research is necessary to detect permanent solution to adenomyosis. Treating adenomyosis is difficult as no treatment provides proper relief. Sometimes progesterone-containing IUD (Mirena) can treat menstrual cramps. However, it causes side effects like benign ovarian cysts, weight gain, and lower abdominal pain.

Adenomyosis – Definition and Diagnosis
Definition and Diagnosis of Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis – Causes and Evaluation
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Adenomyosis – Complications and Risk Factors
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Adenomyosis – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
Adenomyosis – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies