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ADHD in Children – Prevention and Coping

If you want to prevent occurrence of ADHD in your children, then have a safe pregnancy and do not smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. Spend time with your child every day. Appreciate every small attempt of your child and celebrate it enthusiastically.


Prevention and Coping with ADHD in Children

New York (USA), June 30, 2013

Preventing ADHD in Children

If you want to prevent occurrence of ADHD in your children, then:

1. Have a safe pregnancy and do not smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs.

2. Avoid exposure to environmental toxins like lead and PCBs.

3. Avoid excessive exposure to television programs and video games in the first five years of your child.

Coping with ADHD in Children

If your child has ADHD, adopt following coping strategies:

1. Formulate and stick to a regular daily routine detailing wake-up time, mealtime, school, playing time, and bedtime.

2. Spend time with your child every day. Appreciate every small attempt of your child and celebrate it enthusiastically.

3. Be clear in your instructions and make eye contact when talking with your child.

4. Be patient and maintain a calm composure. Talk in a calm but firm tone with your child.

5. Stay in regular contact with schoolteachers and other caregivers of your child to identify and tackle problems as soon as they start.

6. Avoid multitasking yourself and follow set examples as those for your child.

7. Be consistent in your behavior. Try to inculcate similar habits in your child.

8. Seek help of support groups and social service agencies to manage your child.

9. Scout the Internet and read books on ADHD to handle and manage your ADHD child better.

ADHD in Children – Definition and Diagnosis
Definition and Diagnosis of ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Causes and Evaluation
Causes and Evaluation of ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms of ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Complications and Risk Factors
Complications and Risk Factors for ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Treatments and Medications
Treatments and Medications for ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Clinical Trials and Research Studies
Clinical Trials and Research Studies on ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies
Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies for ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help
Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help for ADHD in Children

ADHD in Children – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
ADHD in Children – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies

Written By:
Dr. Marilyn Thompson