Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Lottery Draw Result of Avadh Vihar Lucknow Flats Scheme
Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh, India), April 21, 2018
The Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad (UPAVP) will declare result of the lottery draw of lots for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY residential flats scheme before November 05, 2018.
The Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board has launched a new residential scheme of built-up multistoried flats (UPAVP Scheme Code Avadh Vihar Yojna) in Awadh Vihar, Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.
In UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY flats scheme, the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parish is offering a total 4,762 multistoried (Ground Floor + 3 Storey) residential flats of 2 BHK consisting of 34.07 square meters super area (22.77 square meters carpet area) for allotment to the various categories of applicants.
The Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board has offered these residential flats in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY-U housing scheme for allotment to the public through a lottery draw of lots.
Number of the residential flats available for allotment in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY housing scheme may increase or decrease at the time of lottery draw of lots.
If the applications received are less than the residential flats reserved under any reserved category, the remaining flats will be transferred to the General Category Applicants at the time of lottery draw of lots.
The last date of booking or registration for UPAVP Lucknow Awadh Vihar PMAY residential flats scheme is on Saturday, May 05, 2018.
The allotment for Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad’s Avadh Vihar Lucknow PMAY-U residential flats scheme shall be made to the eligible applicants through a manual lottery draw of lots and will be held at Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) in the presence of a panel of independent judges, observers, UPAVP officials, and eligible applicants.
The tentative date of lottery draw of lots for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY flats scheme is on or before Monday, November 05, 2018. Any change in the date of actual lottery draw of lots shall be informed to the applicants by means of publication in the daily newspaper(s) and will also be available at the website of Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board.
Process for the Lottery Draw of Lots for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Residential Flats Scheme
1. The allotment shall be through a manual lottery draw of lots of flat numbers.
2. The lottery draw of lots shall be undertaken separately for each category – Scheduled Castes (Code 01), Scheduled Tribes (Code 02), Other Backward Classes (Code 03), and General Category (Code 04).
3. Within a category, there will be a lottery draw of lots for each sub category of horizontal reservations and will be undertaken separately for each sub category.
The sub categories of horizontal reservations are:
– Senior Citizen (Code O)
– Physically Disabled Person (Code D)
– Current Soldiers, Ex-Soldiers and their Dependents (Code R)
– UPAVP, Development Authority, Jal Sansthan, Municipal Corporations, Local Bodies Employee (Code B)
– Government Servant and Security Services Employees who have completed 50 years of age (Code G)
– Honourable MP, MLA and Freedom Fighter (Code F)
– Displaced Category (Code W)
UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Refund of Registration Money to Unsuccessful Applicants
The Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad will refund the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) to the unsuccessful applicants of UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY flats scheme in their savings bank account within one month from the lottery draw date through R.T.G.S.
The Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board will issue the refund orders for the registration money without any interest through the nodal branch of the bank where the applicant has deposited his or her application form.
In case the application for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY residential flats scheme is in joint name(s), the refund will be made in the name of the first applicant only.
If your application form number is not found in the list of the successful applicants for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY residential flats scheme, you should contact the concerned bank (where you filed your application form for this scheme) with your acknowledgment receipt for the status of your earnest money refund.
How to Check the Draw Status of Your Application for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme
After the lottery draw of lots, details of the successful applicants and their allotment of the flats will be uploaded on the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad website as soon as possible.
After the completion of the allocation process, names of selected eligible beneficiaries in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY flats scheme will be displayed at the allocation point and related property management office.
Result of the lottery draw of lots for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY flats scheme will also be available on this website as soon as it is declared.
Please revisit this web page for an update on UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY flats scheme lottery draw of lots.
Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Multistoried Flats Scheme
Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Residential Projects and Schemes
Residential Projects and Housing Schemes of the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board
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Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes of the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board