UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Ownership and Possession

Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad (UPAVP) will offer possession of UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY residential flats to successful applicants within a period of 3 years from date of issue of allotment letter. You will have to take possession of flat within 60 days from the date of offer.
Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas ParishadUttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad

Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Ownership and Possession of Avadh Vihar Lucknow Flats

Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh, India), April 21, 2018

The Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad (UPAVP) has launched a new residential flats scheme (UPAVP Scheme Code Avadh Vihar Yojna) in Awadh Vihar Yojana Sector-3 Part-1, Awadh Vihar Yojana Sector-3 Part-2, Awadh Vihar Yojana Sector-7A, and Awadh Vihar Yojana Sector-10B in Lucknow on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.

The last date for submission of application forms for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY residential flats scheme is on Saturday, May 05, 2018.

The Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board will offer possession of UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY flats to the successful applicants within a period of three years from the date of issue of allotment letter.

For the purpose of record and documentation, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board will reckon the date of execution of sale deed as the date of taking over of possession.

Execution and Registration of Sale Deed for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme

The Sale Deed will be executed according to the terms of Uttar Pradesh Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act. The successful applicants will need to execute the sale agreement on the prescribed format under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 before allocation of the allotted flats and issuance of demand letters to them.

The Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad will offer the possession of flats to the allottees of UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY housing scheme within three years from the date of issue of allotment letter.

As per the rules, possession of the flat will be given only upon signing the tenant agreement (on stamp paper of Rs. 100) and after completion of all other formalities related to possession.

The residential flat shall continue to vest in the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad until the entire consideration money together with interest and other amount, if any, due to the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad on account of the sale is paid.

As per the orders issued by the Uttar Pradesh government and UPAVP from time to time, process of completing the Sales Deed execution will be done only after the payment of stamp paper and registry fee of Rs. 500.

The allottee will be required to enter into legal documentation (i.e. execution and registration of sale deed) and take possession of the residential flat within a period of 60 days from the date of offer of possession or intimation to do so.

In the event of failure to take possession of the residential flat within the stipulated period, allottee of UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY flats scheme shall be liable to pay administrative charges at the rate of 1% of the total premium for the extension of one year from the due date given for the execution of legal documents. However, if the allottee fails to execute the required legal documents within the extended time, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board shall take the action for cancellation of allotment and forfeiture of deposited money.

An allottee of UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY residential flats scheme has to execute the sale deed and get it registered with the concerned Sub Registrar, Lucknow, within six months from the date of allotment as per provision of Uttar Pradesh Government Notification No. 3066/11-5-2009-500(100)/2008 dated 12-6-2009. Or else, the allottee shall have to pay stamp duty at prevailing circle rate at the time of execution and registration of the Sale Deed of the flat.

If due to any “force majeure” or such circumstances beyond Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board’s control, the UPAVP is unable to make allotment or give possession of the allotted residential flat, the entire registration money or the deposit, depending on the stage of allotment, will be refunded to the allottee along with a simple interest at the rate of 4% per annum.

Payment of the Documentation Charges for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats

The allottee of residential flat will bear the cost and expenses of preparation, stamping, and registering of the legal documents and its copies and all other incidental expenses.

The allottee will also pay the stamp duty of transfer of immovable property levied or any other duty or charge that may be levied by any empowered authority for the said flat.

Payment of the Taxes and Charges for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats

The allottee will also be liable to pay all rates, taxes, charges and assessment of every description imposed by any Authority empowered in this behalf, in respect of the residential flat and by any other statutory body, whether such charges are imposed on the residential flat or on the building constructed thereon, from time to time. Goods and Service Tax (GST), if applicable, shall also be borne by the allottee(s).

Electricity, Sewerage, and Water Connections for UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats

The allottee at his or her expense will take permission for sewerage, electricity, and water connections for the residential flat allotted to him or her from the concerned departments of the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad or from the concerned competent authority in this regard.

No single allottee will have any exclusive or any special right on the roof of top floor. It will be available for community services of all residents of the same tower.

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Surrender of the Allotted Flat

The Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad will allow surrender of your residential flat in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY housing scheme to the UPAVP, subject to the certain terms and conditions.

1. If a registered applicant wants to withdraw his or her deposited Registration Money before the date of the lottery draw of lots, then upon canceling his registration application based on his written consent, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board will refund the entire deposited Registration Money without any deduction and without any interest.

2. If an applicant has been successful in getting a flat in the lottery draw of lots, but applies for the cancellation of the registration and surrender of the flat before the last date of depositing the allotment money, then the deposited registration money will be refunded by deducting 20 per cent of the amount and without any interest thereon.

3. If a successful applicant applies for the cancellation of the registration and surrender of the flat after 3 months from issue of allotment letter then the deposited registration money will be refunded by deducting 50 per cent of the amount and without any interest thereon.

The Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board will count the day of surrender of your allotment on the date on which application is received in the UPAVP office. The UPAVP will not entertain any subsequent claim based on a postal certificate.

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Cancellation of the Allotted Flat

The Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board shall be free to exercise its rights of cancellation of allotment of a flat in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY housing scheme, subject to the specific clauses relating to cancellation.

1. In case, the applicant fails to deposit the due amount for his or her residential flat within the stipulated time, allotment will be liable for cancellation. In case of such cancellation, the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad will forfeit the money so deposited until the date of cancellation.

2. If an applicant has obtained the allotment through misrepresentation or suppression of material facts, the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad shall be free to cancel allotment of the residential flat.

3. If an applicant has violated directions issued, or rules or regulations framed by the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad or by any other statutory body, the UPAVP shall be free to cancel allotment of the residential flat.

4. If there is default on the part of the applicant or allottee for breach or violation of terms and conditions of registration or allotment or non-deposit of allotment amount, the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad shall be free to cancel allotment of the residential flat.

In the event of cancellation of a flat in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY residential scheme, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board will forfeit the entire deposits until the date of cancellation and will resume possession of the residential flat with structure thereon, if any, and the allottee will have no right to claim any compensation thereof.

UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme – Transfer of the Allotted Flat

The Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad will allow transfer of your residential flat in UPAVP Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY scheme to a legal heir or other than the legal heir, after execution of sale deed, subject to the fulfillment of prescribed conditions.

1. Transfer of Residential Flat to the Legal Heirs:

The Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board will allow transfer of your residential flat to a legal heir.

If the allottee or applicant dies, then according to the rules of the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad, his or her successor will be required to provide documents such as the succession certificate, death certificate, indemnity bond, and no objection certificate from other successors, etc. for effecting the registration of allotted flat in the successor’s name. However, the change in succession will be effective only if there is no dispute.

2. Transfer of Residential Flat to Other Than the Legal Heirs:

The Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board will allow transfer of your residential flat to other than a legal heir with prior permission of the UPAVP in this regard.

The Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board will consider such transfer of residential flat on payment of prescribed transfer charges and fulfillment of the legal conditions as decided by the UPAVP. The UPAVP shall have the power to reject or accept such request.

Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Lucknow Avadh Vihar PMAY Flats Scheme
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Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Residential Projects and Schemes
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Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Plans, Policies, Programs, and Projects
Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes of the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board

Om Vishnu Bishnoi: