Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Eligibility Conditions for Jagriti Vihar Meerut PMAY Flats
Meerut (Uttar Pradesh, India), April 24, 2018
The Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad (UPAVP) has launched a residential flats scheme Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY housing scheme (UPAVP Scheme Code Jagriti Vihar Extension Yojna) in Sector-4, Jagriti Vihar Yojna (Extension) in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh.
In UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board is offering total 144 built-up residential flats for the different categories.
Subscription or registration for UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY built-up multistoried flats scheme is open for the citizens of India from Tuesday, March 20, 2018 to Saturday, May 05, 2018.
Eligibility Conditions for Allotment of a Residential Flat in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar PMAY Housing Scheme
1. The applicant for UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme must be a citizen of India.
2. The applicant must have attained the age of 18 years as on the last date of applications for UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY housing scheme.
3. The applicant should be competent to contract for a flat in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY residential scheme.
4. In UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension flats Scheme, the applicants will be able to get financial assistance of Rs. 250,000 under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U), a Government of India credit linked subsidy scheme for Housing for All. However, only those applicants under the Lower Income Group (LIG) registered with Citizen Service Centre (CSC), State Urban Development Agency (SUDA), District Urban Development Agency (DUDA), Nagar Nigam or Nagar Palika and fulfilling all the eligibility criteria can apply in this UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar PMAY housing scheme.
5. The applicants in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension residential flats scheme under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U) need to have the unit ID number of their applications filed and allotted with the Central Government, SUDA or DUDA under the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) and their Aadhaar number should also be registered.
6. The beneficiary family will include spouses and unmarried children.
7. A person shall be eligible for allotment of a residential flat in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY housing scheme only if the applicant or his or her spouse, or any dependent children (including minor children) have not been allotted any residential plot or flat or house on freehold or leasehold basis under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
8. Registration of application in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar PMAY housing scheme should be in the name of the female head of the family or the head of the family should be jointly in the name of the man and his wife. Only in cases where there is no adult female member in the family, the flat can be registered in name of the man head of the family.
9. Incomplete applications received in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY residential scheme will not be considered or processed for allotment of a flat.
10. If an applicant gives wrong information in an affidavit or application or shall hide any facts, the allotment to him or her shall be immediately cancelled and even if the residential flat is allotted, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board shall be competent to cancel such allotment and take back possession of the flat. The entire amount deposited by him or her will also be forfeited according to the rules.
11. Beneficiary of the reserved and disabled category in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme will be required to attach a verified photocopy of the Cast Certificate or Disability Certificate issued by the District Magistrate.
12. Applicants under a reserved category is entitled to avail of the benefit of allotment only once in his or her lifetime in any of the schemes of Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad.
13. The eligible applicant, his or her spouse, or his or her dependent children can apply for one residential flat only.
14. The applicants under the reserved categories in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme shall not be eligible without the requisite certificates or documents.
15. If the sufficient applications are not received against a reserved category, the surplus residential flats shall be considered as unreserved and will be transferred to the General Category at the time of lottery draw of lots for UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY housing scheme.
16. An application for UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY housing scheme without the prescribed earnest money deposit shall not be entertained and will be rejected outright.
17. Before filling your application form for UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme, make sure to read the instructions given in the booklet carefully so that there is no error while filling of the application form. Incomplete and faulty applications will not be accepted.
18. If an applicant’s name is not found in the Eligibility List of the Central Government, State Urban Development Agency, District Urban Development Agency, Municipal Corporation or Municipality, his or her allotment and registration of the flat will be canceled in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY residential scheme.
19. Any order or direction by the Central Government or the Uttar Pradesh Government in respect of registration or allocation of a flat under UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY housing scheme will be binding on all the applicants.
20. The applications received for UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme after the prescribed closing date will not be entertained.
Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extn PMAY Flats Scheme
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extn PMAY Multistoried Flats Scheme
Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Residential Projects and Schemes
Residential Projects and Housing Schemes of the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad
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Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes of the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad