Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Reservation Categories for Jagriti Vihar Meerut Scheme
Meerut (Uttar Pradesh, India), April 24, 2018
The Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad (UPAVP) has launched UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY scheme (UPAVP Scheme Code Jagriti Vihar Extension Yojna) of residential flats in Sector-4, Jagriti Vihar Yojna (Extension) in Meerut (UP).
In UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar PMAY housing scheme, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board has offered total 144 residential flats for allotment to the various categories of applicants.
Allotment of a residential flat in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY scheme shall be governed by the provisions contained in the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad Adhiniyam, 1965 (U.P. Act No. 1 of 1966) and the Rules and Regulations framed there under and as amended from time to time.
Accordingly, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board has reserved a number of flats for the certain categories of persons in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme. The reservation exists for various categories of people in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY housing scheme.
UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY Residential Flats Scheme: Categories of Applicants
There are five applicable categories of applicants eligible for the UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY residential flats scheme. These are:
1. General Category (72 flats)
2. Other Backward Classes (39 flats)
3. Scheduled Castes (30 flats)
4. Scheduled Tribes (3 flats)
Reservation for General Category Applicants in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY Flats Scheme
As per Uttar Pradesh Government’s current reservation policy, 50.00% of the total number of residential flats is reserved for the General Category individuals in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme.
Accordingly, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board has reserved 72 flats for the General Category applicants in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY residential flats scheme.
After allotment of flats to the reserved categories, the remaining flats will be allotted to the persons registered under the General Category.
Reservation for Other Backward Classes in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY Flats Scheme
As per Uttar Pradesh Government’s current reservation policy, 27.00% of the total number of residential flats is reserved for the Other Backward Classes (OBC) individuals in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme.
Accordingly, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board has reserved 39 flats for the Other Backward Classes applicants in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY residential flats scheme.
After allotment of flats to the reserved category of Other Backward Classes, the remaining flats of OBC category will be allotted to the persons registered under the General Category.
Reservation for Scheduled Castes Applicants in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY Flats Scheme
As per Uttar Pradesh Government’s current reservation policy, 21.00% of the total number of residential flats is reserved for the Scheduled Castes (SC) individuals in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme.
Accordingly, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board has reserved 30 flats for the Scheduled Castes applicants in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY residential flats scheme.
After allotment of flats to the reserved category of Scheduled Castes, the remaining flats of SC category will be allotted to the persons registered under the General Category.
Reservation for Scheduled Tribes Applicants in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY Flats Scheme
As per Uttar Pradesh Government’s current reservation policy, 2.00% of the total number of residential flats is reserved for the Scheduled Tribes (ST) individuals in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme.
Accordingly, the Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board has reserved 3 flats for the Scheduled Tribes applicants in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY residential flats scheme.
After allotment of flats to the reserved category of Scheduled Tribes, the remaining flats of ST category will be allotted to the persons registered under the General Category.
Allotment of a flat in UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY flats scheme to various category applicants will be subject to fulfillment of the applicable eligibility terms and conditions. For more information about the allotment eligibility conditions for the different categories, please visit the following URLs:
UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extn PMAY Flats Scheme – Terms and Conditions
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Terms and Conditions for Jagriti Vihar Meerut PMAY Flats
UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extn PMAY Flats Scheme – Allotment Eligibility
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board – Eligibility Conditions for Jagriti Vihar Meerut PMAY Flats
The registration or subscription for UPAVP Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extension PMAY residential flats scheme is open for the eligible applicants and citizens of India from Tuesday, March 20, 2018 to Saturday, May 05, 2018.
Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extn PMAY Flats Scheme
Uttar Pradesh Housing and Development Board Meerut Jagriti Vihar Extn PMAY Multistoried Flats Scheme
Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Residential Projects and Schemes
Residential Projects and Housing Schemes of the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad
Uttar Pradesh Avas Vikas Parishad – Plans, Policies, Programs, and Projects
Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes of the Uttar Pradesh Avas Evam Vikas Parishad