GDA Madhuban Bapudham Plots Scheme 806 – Lottery Draw Result

Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA) had announced result of draw for Madhuban Bapudham plots scheme 806 on December 02, 03, and 08, 2011. The last date for submission of application forms for GDA residential plots scheme 806 was on May 05, 2011.

Ghaziabad Development Authority Madhuban Bapudham Plots Scheme 806 – Lottery Draw Result

Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh, India), October 19, 2015

The Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA) had announced result of the lottery draw for the Madhuban Bapudham residential plots scheme 806 on December 02, 2011, December 03, 2011, and December 08, 2011.

The Ghaziabad Development Authority had launched a new residential plots scheme in Madhuban Bapudham in Ghaziabad on March 16, 2011. The last date for submission of application forms for the GDA residential plots scheme 806 was on May 05, 2011.

In the GDA Madhuban Bapudham plots scheme 806, the Ghaziabad Development Authority has offered total 690 residential plots of 40 square meters (200 plots), 60 square meters (250 plots), 115 square meters (70 plots), 120 square meters (70 plots), 150 square meters (50 plots), and 300 square meters (50 plots).

The allotment for the Ghaziabad Development Authority’s Madhuban Bapudham residential plots scheme 806 was made through a draw of lots and was held at GDA Guest House, Patel Nagar, Ghaziabad in the presence of a panel of independent judges, GDA officials, and eligible applicants.

Draw Dates for the Different Category of Plots

For 40 square meters (property code 770) residential plots category applicants, the Ghaziabad Development Authority declared result of the draw on Friday, December 02, 2011.

For 60 square meters (property code 760) residential plots in the Madhuban Bapudham plots scheme 806, the Ghaziabad Development Authority announced result of the draw of lots on Saturday, December 03, 2011.

For 115 square meters (property code 739), 120 square meters (property code 738), 150 square meters (property code 735), and 300 square meters (property code 720) residential plots category applicants, the Ghaziabad Development Authority declared result of the draw on Thursday, December 08, 2011.

Eligibility List of the Applicants

After the initial examination of application forms under GDA Madhuban Bapudham plots scheme 806, the list of application forms was displayed on the notice board in the Ghaziabad Development Authority office from November 22, 2011 to November 26, 2011, to invite objections, if any, to the particulars given in the eligibility list.

In case, there are any objections to the details appearing in the eligibility list, applicants can object and apply in writing to the Ghaziabad Development Authority for the necessary correction within the specified time. After the specified period, no objection will be entertained and the final list of eligible applicants for the draw will be prepared based on eligibility as per the list.

Availability of the Draw Result

Result of the lottery draw for the Ghaziabad Development Authority’s Madhuban Bapudham plots scheme 806 was available on this website as soon as it was declared.

GDA Madhuban Bapudham Plots Scheme 806 – List of the Authorized Banks
List of the Banks Authorized for the GDA Madhuban Bapudham Residential Plots Scheme 806

GDA Madhuban Bapudham Ghaziabad Residential Plots Scheme 806
Ghaziabad Development Authority – Madhuban Bapudham Residential Plots Scheme 806

Ghaziabad Development Authority – Plans and Projects
Ghaziabad Development Authority – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes

Uttar Pradesh Awas Vikas Parishad – Residential Plans, Projects and Schemes
Uttar Pradesh Awas Evam Vikas Parishad – Current Residential Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes

Uttar Pradesh Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of Uttar Pradesh – Current Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

Indian Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of India – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes

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