Reservation for Commercial and Institutional Units in GNIDA Multistoried Flats Scheme BHS-16/2013
Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh, India), October 27, 2015
The Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA) had launched a multistoried residential flats scheme (GNIDA Scheme Code BHS-16/2013) in Sector MU-II and Sector-10 of Greater Noida in Uttar Pradesh on April 02, 2013.
In the GNIDA multistoried LIG flats scheme BHS-16/2013, the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority was offering total 7215 residential flats for allotment to the various categories of applicants.
Allotment of a residential flat in the GNIDA multistoried flats scheme BHS-16 shall be governed by the provisions contained in the Uttar Pradesh Industrial Area Development Act, 1976 (U.P. Act No. 6 of 1976).
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority Multistoried Flats Scheme BHS-16: Commercial and Institutional Units Reservation
As per Uttar Pradesh Government’s current reservation policy, 10.00% of the total number of residential flats are reserved for the Functional Commercial and Institutional Units in the GNIDA multistoried flats scheme BHS-16/2013.
Accordingly, the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority had reserved 721 flats for the Commercial and Institutional Units applicants in the GNIDA multistoried residential flats scheme BHS-16.
After allotment of flats to the reserved categories, the remaining flats will be allotted to the persons registered under the General Category.
Allotment of a flat in the GNIDA multistoried residential flats scheme BHS-16 to a commercial or institutional unit applicant will be subject to fulfillment of the applicable eligibility terms and conditions. For more information about the allotment eligibility conditions for the Functional Commercial and Institutional Units, please visit the following URLs:
GNIDA Multistoried Flats Scheme BHS-16 – Terms and Conditions
GNIDA Multistoried Flats Scheme BHS-16/2013 – Terms and Conditions for the Allotment
GNIDA Multistoried Flats Scheme BHS-16 – Allotment Eligibility
GNIDA Multistoried Flats Scheme BHS-16/2013 – Eligibility Conditions for the Allotment
The Applicable Eligibility Terms and Conditions for the Functional Commercial and Institutional Units
1. The applicant should be competent to contract and have attained the age of majority.
2. Only, such applicants of the industrial units or their Managing Director, Whole Time Director(s), Proprietor, or Partner(s) shall be eligible, provided they have not been allotted any residential plot, house, or flat in the earlier schemes of the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority.
1. The applicant should be competent to contract and have attained the age of majority.
2. Only, such applicants of the commercial and institutional units or their Managing Director, Whole Time Director(s), Proprietor, Partner(s), or Trustee(s) shall be eligible, provided they have not been allotted any residential plot, house, or flat in the earlier schemes of the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority.
3. The bona fide commercial units fulfilling the following conditions will be eligible.
(I) The commercial establishment should have been allotted the commercial plot, shop, or office space in its name on or before December 31, 2012. It should have executed or registered legal documentation or lease deed and has been declared functional by GNIDA on or before closing date of the scheme. The applicant has to enclose a certified copy of the functional certificate issued by the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority.
(II) The commercial establishment has cleared all dues of the Authority payable up to December 31, 2012 on account of premium, lease rent, interest, etc. by the closing date of scheme. Applicant has to enclose No Dues Certificate issued by the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority with the application form.
(III) Bona fide functional sub-lessee of commercial establishment who has obtained the premises from the lessee of commercial plot on or before December 31, 2012. It has acquired sub-lease hold rights through the Authority by executing sub-lease deed and paid all payable dues up to December 31, 2012 of the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority and made the commercial establishment functional on or before closing date of the scheme shall also be eligible. Applicant is required to enclose a certified copy of No Dues Certificate and functional certificate issued by the Authority.
(IV) In case the application is being made by the Proprietor, Partner, Managing Director, or Whole Time Director of the commercial establishment, the name of such Proprietor, Partner, or Director should have been taken on record in the Commercial Department of Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority on or before closing date of scheme.
(V) Such commercial establishment or their Proprietor, Partner, or Managing Director shall not be eligible where the commercial establishment has been obtained through transfer and past owner had already obtained a residential house, flat or plot.
(VI) The eligibility for allotment of a residential house or flat shall be for one house or flat only in the name of establishment or its Bona fide Director, Partner, or Sole proprietor irrespective of number of premises in the possession of establishment.
(VII) The applicant company shall submit its Resolution to the effect that the company is applying in its name or Sole Owner, Partner, Managing Director, or Full Time Director and the same is authorized (name and designation) to apply and sign the application form for the GNIDA multistoried flats scheme BHS-16/2013.
4. The bona fide institutional units fulfilling the following conditions will be eligible.
(I) The institution should have been allotted the institutional plot or premises in its name on or before December 31, 2012. It has taken the physical possession of the institutional plot or premises after legal documentation and has been declared functional from Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority on or before closing date of the scheme. The applicant has to enclose a certified copy of the functional certificate with the application form.
(II) The institutional establishment has cleared all payable dues of the Authority up to December 31, 2012 on account of premium, lease rent, interest, etc. by the closing date of scheme. Applicant has to enclose No Dues Certificate issued by the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority with the application form.
(III) In case, application is being made by the Managing Director, Whole Time Director, Trustees, or the Executive Member, their names should have been taken on record by the Institutional Department of the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority on or before closing of this scheme.
(IV) In case, applicant is made by the Educational Institution, the names of their Directors, Trustees, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, or Executive Members should have been taken on record of the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority on or before closing date of the scheme. One institution can make one application only.
(V) Such institutional establishment or their Director, Trustee, or the Executive Member shall not be eligible where the Institutional Establishment has been obtained through transfer and past owner had already obtained a residential house, plot, or flat.
(VI) The eligibility for allotment of residential house or flat shall be for one house or flat only either in the name of institution or its Bona fide Managing Director, Whole Time Director, Trustee, or Executive Member, irrespective of number of premises in possession of the institution.
(VII) Charitable and Religion Institution and its members and trustees are not eligible for allotment of residential house or flat in this residential scheme.
(VIII) The applicant company shall submit its Resolution to the effect that the company is applying in its name or Sole Owner, Partner, Managing Director, or Full Time Director and the same is authorized (name and designation) to apply and sign the application form for the GNIDA multistoried flats scheme BHS-16/2013.
Last Date for Submitting the Application Forms for the Functional Commercial and Institutional Units
Thursday, May 02, 2013 was the last date for submission of application forms for the eligible applicants of Functional Commercial and Institutional Units for the GNIDA multistoried flats scheme BHS-16/2013.
GNIDA Multistoried Flats Scheme BHS-16 – Applicable Categories
Applicable Categories for the GNIDA Multistoried Flats Scheme BHS-16/2013
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority Flats Scheme BHS-16
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority – Multistoried Flats Scheme BHS-16/2013
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority – Plans and Projects
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority – Residential Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes
Uttar Pradesh Awas Vikas Parishad – Residential Plans, Projects and Schemes
Uttar Pradesh Awas Evam Vikas Parishad – Current Residential Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes
Uttar Pradesh Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of Uttar Pradesh – Current Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes
Indian Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of India – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes