GDA Indirapuram Residential Flats Scheme 830 – Terms and Conditions for the Allotment
Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh, India), October 31, 2015
The Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA) had launched a residential Mini MIG and MIG flats scheme (GDA Scheme Code 830) in Indirapuram, Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh.
In the GDA Indirapuram multistory residential flats scheme 830, the Ghaziabad Development Authority was offering total 104 Mini MIG and MIG flats for the allotment.
Booking or registration for the GDA Indirapuram multistory residential flats scheme 830 was open for the citizens of India from October 07, 2013 to November 30, 2013.
The Ghaziabad Development Authority will allot a flat in the GDA Indirapuram residential scheme subject to fulfillment of certain terms and conditions.
GDA Indirapuram Multistoried Flats Scheme 830 – The General Terms and Conditions
1. Allotment of a flat in the GDA Indirapuram residential scheme 830 shall be governed by provision of the Area Building Rules and Regulations contained in the Ghaziabad Development Authority Act.
2. Allotment of the residential Mini MIG flats shall be made through draw of lots.
3. The Ghaziabad Development Authority is fully authorized to fix the final prices for the flats built by it, and its decision in this regard shall be final.
4. The allottee shall have to pay all taxes on the property himself or herself such as house property tax, municipal tax, development tax, etc. as demanded by concerned authorities.
5. If an applicant gives wrong information in an affidavit or application or shall hide any facts, the allotment to him or her shall be immediately cancelled and even if the residential flat is allotted, the Ghaziabad Development Authority shall be competent to cancel such allotment and take back possession of the flat.
6. The Ghaziabad Development Authority can make alterations or additions in its schemes or flats and as a result thereof if any extra work is got done and charges thereof are livable, the allottee shall have to bear such expenses and pay the amount due as may be specified by the Ghaziabad Development Authority.
7. Only such applications shall be deemed to be valid, which are accompanied by specific earnest money in the form of Demand Draft or Pay Order in favor of the Vice Chairman, Ghaziabad Development Authority drawn at Ghaziabad/Delhi. The payment made through cash or cheque shall not be accepted.
8. On allotment of a flat, the allottee shall be informed of the dues payable for the flat through the allotment letter.
9. The address given in the application should be complete. Any change in the address should be notified to the Vice Chairman, Ghaziabad Development Authority, Ghaziabad by registered A. D. post.
10. The price of the residential flat is tentative to the extent that any enhancement in the cost of land awarded by the Competent Authority under the Land Acquisition Act shall also be payable proportionately, as determined by the Ghaziabad Development Authority, within such specific period of its demand.
11. The residential flat shall continue to vest in the Ghaziabad Development Authority until the entire consideration money together with interest and other amount, if any, due to the Ghaziabad Development Authority on account of the sale, of such land or building or both is paid. The transferee shall have not right to transfer by way of sale, gift, mortgage or otherwise the plot or building or any right, title or interest therein until the full price is paid to the Ghaziabad Development Authority, except with the prior permission of the Competent Authority.
12. The residential flat shall not be used for any other purpose other than that for which it has been allotted. No obnoxious trade shall be carried out in on any such land or building.
13. The Ghaziabad Development Authority shall be fully competent to make or alter rules and regulations framed by it and these shall be binding on the registered applicants.
14. The applicant must paste a passport size photograph of himself or herself, as the case may be, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer or Public Notary on the application form.
15. An incorrect or incomplete application form will be cancelled making any intimation or reference to the applicant.
16. The refund of the registration amount to the unsuccessful applicants shall begin within one month of the draw date.
17. The application form must be signed by the applicant(s), or by a person duly authorized by a Special Power of Attorney, which should be on a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper and duly attested by a First Class Magistrate in Sub-Registrar’s Office.
18. No request in change of content of an application form shall be entertained after the closing date of the scheme, except a change in the address.
19. The application forms are processed by a computerized system. Therefore, an application form should be filled in English in Block Letters only. However, the signature(s) of the applicant(s) can be in any language.
20. Disputes if any regarding allotment related matters should be settled within the jurisdiction of the Ghaziabad Development Authority, Ghaziabad.
GDA Indirapuram Flats Scheme 830 – Allotment Eligibility
GDA Indirapuram Residential Flats Scheme 830 – Eligibility Conditions for the Allotment
GDA Indirapuram Multistoried Residential Flats Scheme 830
Ghaziabad Development Authority – Indirapuram Multistory Flats Scheme 830
Ghaziabad Development Authority – Plans and Projects
Ghaziabad Development Authority – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes
Uttar Pradesh Awas Vikas Parishad – Residential Plans, Projects and Schemes
Uttar Pradesh Awas Evam Vikas Parishad – Current Residential Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes
Uttar Pradesh Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of Uttar Pradesh – Current Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes
Indian Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of India – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes