PDA Enclave Dhuri Plots Scheme – Lottery Draw Result

Patiala Urban Planning and Development Authority had announced result of lottery draw for PDA Enclave Dhuri plots scheme on Friday, August 21, 2015. The last date for submission of application forms for PDA Enclave Dhuri scheme was on July 03, 2015.

Patiala Urban Planning and Development Authority – Lottery Draw Result of PDA Enclave Dhuri Plots Scheme

Dhuri (Punjab, India), November 14, 2015

The Patiala Urban Planning and Development Authority (PDA) had announced result of the lottery draw of lots for PDA Enclave Dhuri freehold residential plots scheme on Friday, August 21, 2015.

The Patiala Urban Planning and Development Authority had launched a new residential plots scheme (PDA Scheme Code PDA Enclave Dhuri) in PDA Enclave, Dhuri (District Sangrur) in Punjab on Wednesday, June 03, 2015. The last date for submission of application forms for the PDA Enclave Dhuri residential plots scheme was on Friday, July 03, 2015.

In PDA Enclave Dhuri plots scheme, the Patiala Urban Planning and Development Authority had offered total 210 freehold residential plots of 150 square yards (125.42 square meters), 200 square yards (167.22 square meters), 250 square yards (209.03 square meters), 300 square yards(250.84 square meters), 325 square yards (271.74 square meters), 350 square yards (292.65 square meters), 400 square yards (334.45 square meters), and 450 square yards (376.26 square meters) area for allotment to the various categories of applicants.

Lottery Draw of Lots for Allotment of Plots in PDA Enclave Dhuri Residential Scheme

The allotment for Patiala Urban Planning and Development Authority’s PDA Enclave Dhuri residential plots scheme was made through a draw of lots and was held at the PUDA-PDA Complex in Patiala, Punjab in the presence of a panel of independent judges, PDA officials, and eligible applicants.

Mode of Allotment for PDA Enclave Dhuri Residential Plots Scheme

In case, the total applications received are less than number of plots available in a category, all the applicants of that category will be issued Letter of Intent, subject to their being eligible otherwise. However, Patiala Urban Planning and Development Authority shall allot the plot number through a draw of lots only. In case, the number of applications received is more than the number of total plots available in a particular category, then allotment for that category of applicants would be made through a draw of lots only.

PDA Enclave Dhuri Plots Scheme – Allotment of a Plot
Patiala Urban Planning and Development Authority – Allotment of Plots to the PDA Enclave Dhuri Applicants

Waiting List of Applicants for PDA Enclave Dhuri Residential Plots Scheme

Where the total applications are more than the total number of plots, a waiting list in order of seniority will be drawn during the lottery draw of lots, equaling to 5% of the total plots available in each category. The plots so made available in this residential scheme will be offered to the applicants in the waiting list in order of their merit. The applicants in the waiting list shall be made allotment only after completing the process of allotment of eligible applicants. However, the applicants, who are in the waiting list, will be given allotment only if other successful allottees of this scheme surrender their plots because of any reason.

PDA Enclave Dhuri Plots Scheme – Refund of the Registration Money to the Unsuccessful Applicants

The Patiala Urban Planning and Development Authority had refunded the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) to the unsuccessful applicants of PDA Enclave Dhuri residential plots scheme before September 30, 2015.

PDA Enclave Dhuri Plots Scheme – Earnest Money Refund
Patiala Urban Planning and Development Authority – Earnest Money Refund for PDA Enclave Dhuri Scheme

How to Check Draw Status of Your Application for PDA Enclave Dhuri Residential Plots Scheme

Result of the lottery draw of lots for the PDA Enclave Dhuri residential plots scheme was available on this website as soon as it was declared. Please revisit this web page for an update.

Patiala Urban Planning and Development Authority – PDA Enclave Dhuri Plots Scheme
PDA Enclave Freehold Residential Plots Scheme in Dhuri, Sangrur in Punjab

Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority – Plans and Projects
Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority – Current and Past Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes

Punjab Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of Punjab – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes

Indian Government – Plans, Policies, and Projects
Government of India – Current and Past Residential Plans, Policies, Projects, and Schemes

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