Administration, Office Location, and Telephone Directory of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation (AWHO)
New Delhi (Delhi, India), February 13, 2020
About Army Welfare Housing Organisation
Army Welfare Housing Organisation’s main aims and objectives are to construct houses for serving and retired Army personnel and their widows in selected stations throughout India.
The Army Welfare Housing Organization provides quality accommodation for widows and parents of fatal battle casualties in selected stations on a ‘No-Profit-No-Loss’ basis.
History of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
Army Welfare Housing Organisation (AWHO) was formed in December 1978 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.
Jurisdiction of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
All over India
Administration of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
Indian Army
Management of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
The Adjutant-General of the Indian Army is the ex-officio Chairman of Army Welfare Housing Organisation. The board of governors of AWHO is entirely constituted of senior army officers.
Who’s Who of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
Organization Chart of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
Organization Structure of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
The board of governors of AWHO.
Board Members of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
The board of governors of AWHO comprises of Senior Army Officers.
Names of the Senior Officials of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
The Board Members of AWHO
Office Address of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
Army Welfare Housing Organisation
Kashmir House,
Rajaji Marg,
New Delhi 110011
Office Location of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
The headquarters of Army Welfare Housing Organisation is based in New Delhi, India.
Departments and Divisions of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
Telephone Directory of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
AWHO Customer Relationship Management Cell Phone Numbers: 011-23012619, 011-23792411, 011-23792413, 011-23792416
Deputy Director (L&L): 011-23014039
Fax: 011-23010599
E-mail ID:
Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes of the Army Welfare Housing Organisation
Army Welfare Housing Organisation – Plans, Policies, Programs, and Projects