Puri Konark Development Authority – Administration and Office Location

Puri Konark Development Authority - About, History, Jurisdiction, Administration, Management, Organization Chart, Organization Structure, Board Members, Senior Officials, Office Address, Office Location, Departments, Telephone Directory

Administration, Office Location, and Telephone Directory of the Puri Konark Development Authority (PKDA)

Puri (Odisha, India), September 27, 2016

About Puri Konark Development Authority

History of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Jurisdiction of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Administration of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Management of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Who’s Who of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Organization Chart of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Organization Structure of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Board Members of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Names of the Senior Officials of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Office Address of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Office Location of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Departments and Divisions of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Telephone Directory of the Puri Konark Development Authority

Puri Konark Development Authority – Plans, Policies, Programs, and Projects
Plans, Policies, Programs, Projects, and Schemes of the Puri Konark Development Authority

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