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Achilles Tendon Rupture – Prevention and Coping

Prevention and coping strategies for Achilles tendon rupture include following a regular pattern, remaining physically active, maintaining proper body weight, practicing across even surfaces, wearing exercise gear, and changing exercise patterns frequently.


Prevention and Coping with Achilles Tendon Rupture

New York (USA), June 19, 2013

Achilles Tendon Rupture: Preventing and Coping

Prevention and coping strategies for Achilles tendon rupture include:

1. Follow a regular pattern of stretching and warming-up exercises before starting with your sport.

2. Remain physically active always. If starting physical activity after a long gap, do not start abruptly. Start with low intensity exercises to gradually progress into high-intensity exercises.

3. Maintain proper body weight. Refrain from becoming overweight as this puts greater pressure on tendon. Good overall muscle conditioning helps maintain a healthy tendon.

4. Stretch and strengthen calf muscles through calf-strengthening exercises. Stretch your calf to a point where you feel a pull but without any pain. These exercises allow muscles and tendon to absorb greater force and thereby prevent injury.

5. Change exercise patterns frequently. You should alternate between high-impact sports like jumping and running and low impact sports like swimming and walking.

6. Practice across even surfaces. Avoid running across hills or hard surfaces.

7. Always increase training sessions and intensity gradually. Achilles tendon injuries occur due to abrupt increase in frequency or intensity of exercises. Allow body to acclimatize and thereafter increase duration and intensity.

8. Wear exercise gear to suit weather. Keep yourself well-covered during cold season.

9. Wear correct athletic footwear with correct fittings and sufficient cushioning in heels.

10. Consult and visit your physical therapist for range of motion and strengthening exercises. Practice as directed by therapist.

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