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Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome – Complications and Risk Factors

HIV weakens your immune system leading to possible complications. If you share needles and syringes with infected blood to use intravenous drugs, you could develop HIV-AIDS. STI infections cause open sores on your genitals.


Complications and Risk Factors for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

New York (USA), June 19, 2013

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: Complications

HIV weakens your immune system leading to possible complications like:

Salmonellosis: This bacterial infection develops through contaminated water or food. HIV-positive people are more vulnerable to this infection. Symptoms include fever, severe diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV): This virus is transmitted through body fluids like blood, saliva, urine, semen, and breast milk. Normally, healthy immune system inactivates this virus and makes it dormant. When HIV infection weakens your immune system, this virus attacks and damages your digestive tract, eyes, and lungs.

Candidiasis: This forms a thick white coating on esophagus, tongue, or vaginal membrane. You feel pain while eating.

Lymphomas: This cancer of white blood cells starts in lymph nodes causing painless swelling of lymph nodes in armpit, neck, or groin.

Kaposi’s sarcoma: This tumor of blood vessel walls appears as red, pink, or purple lesions on skin and mouth. It affects your lungs and digestive tract.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: Risk Factors

Common risk factors for HIV/AIDS include:

Unprotected Sex: Sexual intercourse without use of new condom is unprotected sex. This risk is higher if you have multiple partners or anal intercourse.

Intravenous Drugs: If you share needles and syringes with infected blood to use intravenous drugs, you could develop HIV-AIDS.

Sexually Transmitted Infections or STI: These infections cause open sores on your genitals. HIV enters your body through these sores.

Absence of Circumcision: Uncircumcised men are at a higher risk of heterosexual transmission of HIV.

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