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Airplane Ear – Definition and Diagnosis

Definition and Diagnosis of Airplane Ear - What is Airplane Ear? What is the definition of Airplane Ear? How is an Airplane Ear usually diagnosed? Learn more about definition, clinical features, and diagnosis of Airplane Ear.


Definition and Diagnosis of Airplane Ear

New York (USA), November 28, 2014

What is Airplane Ear?

What is the definition of Airplane Ear?

How is an Airplane Ear usually diagnosed?

How is an Airplane Ear diagnosed clinically?

Why it can sometimes be difficult to diagnose an Airplane Ear?

How to establish the correct diagnosis of Airplane Ear in its initial stage?

Learn more about the definition, clinical features, and diagnosis of Airplane Ear.

Airplane Ear – Definition and Diagnosis

Definition of Airplane Ear

Airplane ear is stress on your eardrum, other tissues of middle ear when environmental air pressure, and air pressure in middle ear is different. Airplane ear commonly occurs when a flight is ascending or descending. The rapid changes in altitude cause differences in air pressure thereby triggering airplane ear. Normally, it is easy to correct these differences in air pressure by swallowing, yawning, or chewing gum. This reduces pressure on eardrum and middle ear.

Airplane ear is also possible when you go scuba diving, when you have a throat or sinus infection, cold, congested nose, or nasal allergy. Airplane ear can occur in either one ear or both ears. Airplane ear is same as ear barotrauma, barotitis media, and aerotitis media. Airplane ear often causes temporary ear pain and hearing loss. In severe cases, airplane ear requires medical attention.

Diagnosis of Airplane Ear

Airplane ear is diagnosed after doctor examines your ear with an otoscope. The most common symptom of airplane ear is a bulge of the eardrum. Bulge could be outward or inward. Sometimes eardrum is extensively damaged and blood accumulates behind eardrum.

If you experience vertigo or a spinning sensation, doctor advises you to undergo a hearing test to detect extent of injury and your audibility power. This is audiometry. The test also detects if your innermost ear is damaged and the extent of damage.

Airplane Ear – Causes and Evaluation
Causes and Evaluation of Airplane Ear

Airplane Ear – Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms of Airplane Ear

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Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Airplane Ear

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Clinical Trials and Research Studies on Airplane Ear

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Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies for Airplane Ear

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Prevention and Coping with Airplane Ear

Airplane Ear – Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help
Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help for Airplane Ear

Airplane Ear – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
Airplane Ear – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies

Written By:
Dr. Marilyn Thompson