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Albinism – Prevention and Coping

Prevention and Coping with Albinism - How to prevent Albinism? How to cope with Albinism? What are the simple steps to preventing Albinism? Learn more about how to prevent and cope with Albinism.


Prevention and Coping with Albinism

New York (USA), November 29, 2014

How to prevent Albinism?

How to cope with Albinism?

How to reduce your risk of developing Albinism?

How can Albinism be prevented?

What are the simple steps to preventing Albinism?

What are the best tips on coping with Albinism?

Learn more about how to prevent and cope with Albinism.

Albinism – Prevention and Coping

Albinism Prevention

Albinism cannot be prevented. It may or may not be inherited as it occurs even in families without any history of the disorder. If albinism is present in your family and you feel you might be carrying the trait, seek genetic testing. This identifies whether you or your spouse have specific genetic mutation responsible for albinism in your child. Prenatal fetus test detects inherited mutations. Seek help of genetic counselor to understand pros and cons of testing and chances of having a child with albinism.

Coping with Albinism

Simple coping strategies to manage albinism include:

1. Hold book or other reading material close to your eyes. This helps you read without harming your vision.

2. Tilt your head to one side while reading to minimize effect of nystagmus and improve vision.

3. If your child has albinism, discuss possible options with school authorities like sitting in front row in classroom, using large-print textbooks, using high-contrast printed documents like black type on white paper, and handouts of content written on boards.

4. Seek services of psychotherapist to help your child develop healthy communication with peer groups.

Prognosis of Albinism

Albinism does not affect lifespan. However, if you suffer from Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, you remain prone to bleeding problems or lung diseases. This affects mortality. If you live in a tropical country, exposure to sun without proper protection could lead to skin cancer.

Albinism – Definition and Diagnosis
Definition and Diagnosis of Albinism

Albinism – Causes and Evaluation
Causes and Evaluation of Albinism

Albinism – Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms of Albinism

Albinism – Complications and Risk Factors
Complications and Risk Factors for Albinism

Albinism – Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures for Albinism

Albinism – Treatments and Medications
Treatments and Medications for Albinism

Albinism – Clinical Trials and Research Studies
Clinical Trials and Research Studies on Albinism

Albinism – Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies
Home Remedies and Alternative Therapies for Albinism

Albinism – Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help
Lifestyle Changes and Self-Help for Albinism

Albinism – Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies
Albinism – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Remedies

Written By:
Dr. Marilyn Thompson